key to success

The pattern of Civil Services Examination (UPSC)

Undergoes continuous changes. The key to master Civil Services Examination is as following: Analyzing past questions with syllabus
| Selection of Books/references
| Reading
| Notes
| Testingv | Evaluation
| Change according to feedback

Analyzing past questions with syllabus
The foremost step in the preparation is the minute analysis of the question papers of past years. This workout helps us in deciding weight age, trend, scope, outer limits, virgin topics, repetition, nature of questions and possibility of unprediction. The candidate comes to know what not to be done than to be done.

Books / References
The selection of basic books and references should be very careful. The best selection reduces wastage of both time and money. The selection can be made with the help of previous aspirants, successful candidates or source persons. The basic reference is NECRT books, Newspapers and Magazines (List of other books is given separately).

Before going for actual reading the candidate must know what not to be read than what to be. One should start the reading of NECRT books one by one. After finishing first reading the chapters in the NCERT books should be allocated to the topics in the syllabus. Similarly the chapters in reference books can be allocated. One must have a comprehensive table having list of topics and exact chapters from the books/references to be read for that topics. This table should be followed strictly.

Once the list of topics to be prepared is finalized, actual reading can be started. In the first reading one should try to understand the scope and nature of topics. The first reading gives broad coverage of ideas expressed in the books. The second reading should be through with in depth understanding. The best way is to read one/two books many times than to read many books one time. The reading of newspapers and magazines is a daily ritual. It builds the foundation of various segments in of the study.

The notes are gist derived from the books. The notes may be in the books itself in the margin or may be prepared on separate paper. They may be in point form, paragraph or diagrammatic format depending upon individual skill, liking and time availability. One should not waste time in writing full notes separately. The notes must be brief still covering everything and easy to revise.

The result of any preparation is a testing. Regular testing helps in understanding level of preparation. The testing is answer writing for Main examination and solving MCQ type questions in Prelim examination.

Evaluation and feedback
The answers should be evaluated by the teachers, successful candidates or friends having experience of writing main examination. The feedback for answers should be followed carefully. After completion of the entire desired topics one should solve full length test papers.